Do your homework – save time, money and avoid problems
UPDATE: Have you received notice from the FAA regarding your preapplication status and are working with FAA Notice N 8900.687? In addition to the pages below, check out the newest blog post on the topic.
Before you start writing or buying manuals, and before you consider buying an existing certificate, contact us first and take advantage of a free 30-minute phone consultation. This short investment of time can help you avoid many of the most common missteps and costly false starts. Find out what is really involved in starting a Part 135 charter operation, how to estimate the time frame for approval, and what costs are involved. Learn how to structure the process to minimize your wait for FAA approval and avoid unnecessary expenses and delays.
Starting a new Part 135 charter operation from scratch is a complex process, but with the right guidance and support the process can be made less time-consuming and frustrating. There are potential pitfalls and unnecessary costs that can arise during the certification process, so it is important to have a plan in place, and to thoroughly understand the requirements. A good plan that is followed properly can minimize the wait and costs.
Throughout these pages, you will see Part 135 operations referred to as an ‘operator’. The official FAA term however is ‘air carrier’. These terms may be used interchangeably as you read through these pages.
First Steps
- The pages linked below will walk you through a basic overview of the process.
- Schedule a free 30 minute initial consultation.
Technical Content Services can help you start the process, and answer any questions you have about certification. You can read the frequently asked questions below.
Services Available
- Preparing the application
- Developing the necessary manuals and other documents
- Advising on training and operational requirements
- Working with your FAA certification team to ensure the process works smoothly
Manuals and Authorizations
- General Operations Manual – We can produce a GOM for operations from light twins and singles up to jets
- General Maintenance Manual – For operators using aircraft with 10 or more passenger seats
- Training Programs – We can develop programs for full in-house training or for operators that will use an outsourced training provider
- Compliance Statement – A requirement for all new Part 135 applicants, this document specifies your means of compliance with the regulations
- Oceanic / RNP10 Manual – For operators who will be flying in the North Atlantic or Pacific oceanic airspace